So I haven't updated, like really update, in a long time. But I don't really feel like updating. When I was going through my tabs i saw this page and felt bad cause I told myself that I would keep up with it D: so here's a guilty-not-so-much update. I don't know why, I just don't care about updating for some reason. Same thing with my journals. I don't write much or sketch or even read! :O shocking yes I know.
Buuuut um? Let's see. My birthday, hiking and a chill day with guava cake<3. Umm then there was summer that I don't remember much of for innocent reasons. OH I learned a new word: platonic :D I've heard it but never looked it up until today lol. I'm waiting for the right moment to use it cause I really want to use it xD (*nerd status!) I know for sure it'll be a conversation with Bunny because, well, we have weird conversations haha. What else? UH term started again, my classes aren't bad. Every time my ENV teacher would talk about the course I would feel nervous because of how challenging it's gonna be but then I felt excited at the same time. Then I would realize these feelings I'm having and inwardly laugh at myself because my nerd level has spiked severely lately. 8D
MHM. Soooo I gotta get ready for bed. And I don't feel like talking to you anymore my dear b log, so goodnight :]