My current music fancy :]
I'm getting lazy with this. I CANNOT get lazy with this! mmmmkay so! the past ten days what has happened? School. Lots of school. But now (THANKS GOD!) I'm on spring break, yesterday was my last class. Seriously though, my English class is not a real class. What we talked about yesterday was mainly Jersey Shore and Facebook. We didn't go over the reading, we didn't really learn anything and all I really went for was to turn in my essays. But she has this really slick rule: if you are 15 minutes late or leave 15 minutes early, you're considered absent. Oh wells we let out early anyways.
Mia was in town this week because practically everyone has an earlier spring break than CSN. I realized something about when Mia comes home, I usually don't see her until like the very last day. I don't do it intentionally it just happens that way. I also finally talked to my sister on friday, it was like a reminder about the upcoming summer and what I'm gonna be doing during it. Hopefully I'll be working, I need to start saving up for going to the U. My sister, Jessica, is going to Hawaii and invited me. That's so tempting! But there is also summer classes to think about. Hopefully it will be a productive summer, it would suck to end up bumming the entire break.
The weather here is being bipolar (AGAIN) and for once my allergies are really insanely, kill-me-now, kinda horrible. If I had a sore throat it could be considered for the flu but nope. Zyrtec please? Last week had insanely beautiful weather but all of a sudden we're hit with full cloud cover and blustering winds. My poor baby is sick too :[ but she likes wind and won't come inside. What's one to do?
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