I HAVE to talk about the past like 11 hours because it was just so ridiculous. Then again, everything seems more funny when you're sleep deprived. ANYWAYS, okay, so last night I was reading up to around 330 am because I woke up at like 1 pm yesterday and I can't sleep straight if I hadn't been awake for at least 12 hours. (It's a wierd mindset but I can't help it) I was pretty awake but I tried to sleep anyways but then suddenly my room got really warm because the a/c had turned off :[[[ My fan doesn't work in my room so thennnnnn...
Approx. 4:45 am: decided to try sleeping in loft because the fan works there.
10 minutes later: Mom comes in and turns fan down, walks away. I kick blanket off as a hint to turn the fan back up. She comes back in and tries to cover me with a heavier blanket than I had >< (I was only using a throw blanket). I fully wake up and tell her its too hot while she's trying to turn down my phone because I kept getting tweets. Then she's like tryna start a conversation about why I'm gonna wake up so early blah blah blah, she leaves, I turn fan back up.
2 minutes later: Knock out.
7:30-ish am: Mom calls me from downstairs asking me about my doctors appointment, telling me to leave early, yadda yadda, things I already know. I've been to the doctor before ya know? Maybe because it's by myself? Even though I've gone by myself before? Or maybe she likes to torture me. I don't know.
8am: Alarm goes off. I honestly thought someone was calling me. Reality set in, I had to get ready. crap.
8:15 am: Dad gets home, I get ready.
8:30 am: "Tiff what time is your appointment?" "9:30" "okay"
8:54 am: "Are you leaving yet?" "In a little bit"
9 am: "Dad there's no co-pay right?" "No there shouldn't be" "Are you sure?" "Yeah if there is just tell them to send us the bill." "Okay"
9:10 am: I leave to doctor
9:24 am: I sign in at doctor's office
9:40 am: I'm called to fill out my papers.
When I'm almost done the lady says, "okay it will be 15 dollars co-pay"
"Um I was told I wouldn't have co-pay."
"No with your insurance there is 15 dollar co-pay"
"Umm... okay can you just send me the bill?"
"No we have to have it before the appointment."
We negotiate, blah blah, end up having to reschedule.
Me:"That's wierd cause my dad came here and didn't have to pay anything."
"No we have to have the co-pay."
(I get it lady I was just saying ><)
"Now If you're in too much pain, you can go right over to urgent care. But oh, they have the co-pay too."
"Um no I didn't have co-pay, there I've been there before."
"They don't need it up front."
"Oh okay thanks anyways."
I leave. Urgent care doesn't charge me anything, I never got any bill from there. The lady was confused? Maybe it was too early in the morning? I'm not complaining honestly, I'm just saying. What's up with that? So now I have to wait a month for my appointment :[ UGHHGHHHHHH! If the co-pay really is 15 bucks I'd rather just stay with my old doctor D: it costs the same :P
THEN I drop off books at Mia's house ;] haha I waited awhile for her to open the door but I didn't mind. My brain was numb (still kinda is) so it was like whatever. Communication is hard when there's no way to directly contact the person.......
I'm so tired. I was supposed to go job hunting today, but I don't think it'd make a good impression on potential employers if I show up looking all pale in the face and incoherent lol.
This is such a long explanation of nothing hahaha oh deeeaaarrr >< ... Maybe this will just be how I explain it to bunny how I'm not a flake, I just am very incoherent and sleep deprived and my eyes are tired. How tired? When I put my contacts in, they burned quite a bit. When I was driving my right contact went slightly blurry because it went dry. So yes! I will text bunny the url to this. GENIUS! Hi Bunny :]
If you guys read this all the way through, I'm sorry for my pointless banter xD
I just realized my morning was quite pointless since I didn't get my appointment. UGH whatever sleep tiiiiiiime!
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