Monday, April 11, 2011


Bah! wowwww freaking people these days. I am usually very cautious towards other people, especially towards people I don't know. But when I people on the street asking for money its so sketchy because you hear about all these people who actually are pretty rich but they get rich by pretending to be bums! It's so sickening! Those people just make it worse for those who really need the money and depend on it. So as sorry as I am for those people who really need it, I don't give out money that much. Food and water should be given instead honestly. But this lady at walmart (I am so irritated by this!) comes up to me when I get out of my car, actually not even I was still sitting in my car. Well she comes up to me and says she needs to get to her doctors appointment thats on Cheyenne and 2-15, she's pregnant, she told me her name, and she asked for help because others keep turning her down. I felt sorry for her, I really did! Now this is why I'm so sketchy towards other people. I gave her 5 dollars (of the whopping 20 dollars I had :P) and she said thank you and left. Now in vegas 5 dollars is the exact amount for an all day pass for the bus. You buy it and dont have to pay for the rest of the day, no matter if you switch buses and whatnot. But this lady THIS LADY WHO'S "SUPPOSEDLY" PREGANANT, goes away and as I walk into walmart I look for her and she's hiding from me, watching me. WHATTHEEFF! I'm a poor college student. The only money I get is my $20 allowance and I use that to pay for school supplies, my food for the week and I have to pay to get my dad's car washed today. I don't have a job and I have to pay for my own things at home also. So if this lady was honest with me and really did have to go to the doctors appointment then I wouldn't be so agitated right now. This week I seriously have a lot to pay for and I had just enough to actually get lunch today. Now I don't. You might say 'well how do you know she didn't get on the bus?' Because when I drove off (about 7 minutes later) she was gone, the bus had not come yet, she wasn't at either bus stops and cheyenne is FAR from here. To get to Cheyenne and the 2-15 it's multiple bus transfers and would take practically forever to get to.

Seriously, what the eff. I'm so tired of the sh*t thats been happening but this particular incident just ticks me the hell off because it not only affects me but it affects other people who really need money. People like her ruin it for all of them.

Vegas, I extremely dislike you.
Lady, I am SEVERLY disappointed in you.
May God have pity on your soul.

Now I'm at the library on campus trying to calm down and re-assess my week. It feels like one heck of a week is coming at me and today is just the beginning "/ My anthropology midterm is this week and I'm scared of it. Open note, open book, open whatever you want. But my professor says that since he knows it would happen anyways, he makes the test so hard that you HAVE to use those resources. It's a timed test, you can take it at home but it's still kind of scary to me ><

I was hoping to get CoFA this week too :[ two words can sum that up: not happening.

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